Pre-selling, crowdfunding and market testing — launch your brand with money in the bank.
Raising Money
3 Podcast Episodes to Help You Build a Sustainable Fashion Brand
December 9, 2020/by ShannonRaising Money
Factory45’er Medicine Mountain Scrub Co. Launches Sustainable Scrubs for the Medical Community
December 2, 2020/by ShannonRaising Money
Factory45’er Tripulse Launches Plastic-Free Sportswear Collection
July 15, 2020/by ShannonRaising Money
Meet the Factory45’er Creating Safety Boots for Women in STEM
February 26, 2020/by ShannonRaising Money
3 Must-Do’s for a Successful Kickstarter Campaign
September 5, 2019/by ShannonRaising Money
Build Your Sustainable Brand on a Limited Budget
June 20, 2019/by ShannonRaising Money
Will a Kickstarter Campaign Work for your Fashion Brand?
February 13, 2019/by ShannonRaising Money
4 Misconceptions About Launching a Fashion Kickstarter
July 25, 2018/by ShannonRaising Money