Pre-selling, crowdfunding and market testing — launch your brand with money in the bank.
Raising Money
Factory45 Presents: The Fashion Business Summit
January 11, 2023/by ShannonRaising Money
Podcast Ep. 41: How to Launch a Fashion Brand Without Taking on Debt
December 7, 2022/by ShannonRaising Money
Podcast Ep. 36: How Much Does it Cost to Start a Sustainable Fashion Brand?
October 26, 2022/by ShannonEncouragement Fabric Sourcing Manufacturing Marketing Raising Money Sustainable Living
Podcast Ep. 32: Should You Start a Sustainable Fashion Brand During a Recession?
September 28, 2022/by ShannonRaising Money
Podcast Ep. 12: The 3 Essentials of a Successful Fashion Crowdfunding Campaign
March 9, 2022/by ShannonRaising Money
Ep. 09 When to Invest in Your Fashion Business (& Where to Start for Free)
February 16, 2022/by ShannonRaising Money
The “Virtual Pop-Up Method” for Fashion Brands with Candice Munro of Buttercream Clothing
January 12, 2022/by ShannonRaising Money
A Startup Conversation with Factory45 Alumni Meghan Farmer, founder of The Bright Factory
December 15, 2021/by ShannonRaising Money